Development Options is strongly committed to developing and using creative, participatory and relevant learning tools. Two such resources are available here: FairViews and Plan Newtown.
FairViews is a new educational photopack. The pack is built around 24 striking images printed on card for easy use in classroom settings. It includes an accompanying booklet which offers 33 practical pedagogical strategies for using photographs. There is also a CD with the 24 images for use through data projectors.FairViews has been developed by Development Options, with support from Concern.
Development Options offers a two-hour workshop introducing the pack and exploring teaching and learning using photographs As well as promoting innovative teaching and learning, the FairViews photopack supports teachers and facilitators in engaging learners with important themes related to development education, human rights and global citizenship. There is a particular focus on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The team that put FairViews together work in a variety of educational settings and designed the pack as a flexible learning tool. FairViews can be used in primary, secondary and higher education classrooms and with youth, adult and community groups.
FairViews workshops are practical hands-on events at which participants will get a hard copy of the pack. A fee of €20 per person is payable by participants at the workshops as a contribution towards materials.
For further information contact

Fairviews Download
Download the package FREE of charge:
Two hour workshop;
24 page booklet including 33 specific pedagogies;
24 images on A4 card,
CD with images,
booklet and the 17 SDGs

Plan Newtown
Plan Newtown is a flexible teaching and learning strategy which can be used with a wide variety of learners in different situations. It has been used effectively with second-level students and with adult groups following such varied courses as
• personal development
• communications
• community development
• civic, social and political studies
• development education
• geography
Feedback to Development Options on FairViews and Plan Newtown is especially welcome.
Plan Newtown
The Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is presented here in simple, child-friendly language on pwer-point slides for easy printing. The cards can be used in a variety of ways to explore key ideas associated with children’s rights